With the recent government lockdown ending tonight 27 Jul, LOOPS has continued to improve its member benefits with the implementation of essential GYM equipment including:

With the long term goal of creating an exclusive complete GYM for members.

“Obviously, we understand our members are missing the facility and can’t wait to have them back. I’ve worked hard to make sure the facility and the program have several updates once we return” said Joe

LOOPS TTC has confirmed several additional member exclusives including an action packed Sunday morning with Peter Tretinik appointed as a Strength & Conditioning Coach from 8am for junior and senior members.

“Peter will start at 8am with our senior members, 9am with our juniors and 10am with our kids, providing them all with specific Strength & Conditioning programs tailored for their individual situations. I’ll be working with Peter to periodise our plans for major events and development timelines” Joe continued.

Furthermore, Joe announced he will continue the Sunday 11am to 1pm and the 2pm to 4:30pm sessions with Sui for all members to make up for lost time during COVID lockdowns.

“All in all, we appreciate the imposition caused by COVID, but understand that upgrades and additional opportunities at no extra cost must be implemented to make up for lost time”

Regular sessions and opening hours to begin from 9am Wednesday morning, 28 Jul.

Why Table Tennis and why LOOPS? Table tennis is a fun, social and low-impact sport that provides great exercise for both body and brain. LOOPS has years of experience teaching this sport to help you enjoy these benefits.
© 2023 Loops Table Tennis